Check out some of these great testimonials from our customers and our favorite teachers and designers:
Assorted Woods
Check out some of these great testimonials from our customers and our favorite teachers and designers:
I just had to tell you, my needles arrived today and OMGosh!!! They are exactly what I was hoping for!!! They are the perfect length for the scarves I make to donate to a local shelter (they don't get caught in my sleeves when I'm knitting!!!) AND, they couldn't be more beautiful!! They are beautiful to look at, and even more wonderful in hand! Thank you so much, they're perfect!!!
Julie K.
Needles were waiting for me when I got - that's fast shipping!Haven't cleaned up from dinner but did a swatch. Gauge is spot on and the needles feel wonderful in my hands too. I'll order again. Thank you.
Mary Ann R.
I'm fairly new to knitting and purchased my first hexagonal circular needles from the VogueKnittingLIVE show in Chicago - I LOVE them! Thanks sew much!
I sure do love the circular needles I got! The point is just perfect and the feel in the hand is fabulous. Thanks so much.
Torre T.
I am so happy with my new needles. I hope to collect more soon!
Wanda S.
I received my order and I just wanted to say thank you. Everything was packaged so beautifully, and honestly, the needles and yarn bowl are exquisite.I can't wait to use them, and in the meantime, they look so lovely simply sitting there! I had so little time at Shepherd's Harvest this year so unfortunately missed being able to meet you and spend time at your booth other than a quick minute at the end. I do hope, though, that I might soon be able to make more orders and when I whip out these gorgeous things at my knitting group I will spread the word about where others might be able to find them. Fiber arts, by definition, are tactile and part of the joy of it all is, of course, the beauty and the feel of the wool. Yet for me, it is also experiencing the beauty of my tools. And these tools are beautiful. Sending many thanks.
Kathy N.
Just received my first order from you. LOVE your double point needles!!!!!
Marilyn N.
Love your needles!
Deborah M.
I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your needles! And I love how pointy they are. 🙂
Sandra M.
I talked with you at the Northern Michigan Lamb and Wool Festival. I couldn't remember the size needles I was using for my afghan. I'm also ordering one for my next project! Your booth was one of our topics of discussion at our knitting class...everybody loves your product. Thanks for being there!
Sue J.
I love, love, love the needles I bought from you at Rhinebeck and VogueKnittingLIVE New York. Thank you for being so lovely at the show and on the phone. You are a pleasure to do business with!
Sharon J.
I bought size 8 at VogueKnittingLive Chicago on Friday night and couldn't wait to get home and cast on. Now I don't want to use any other needles. Amazing difference in gauge, and I've always been a consistent knitter - or so I thought. Great product - hope you do very well. I will certainly continue to talk about your needles to friends and other knitters.
Alexis G.
Thank you for making such wonderful needles.
Roberta F.
Thanks again for the wonderful needles. I feel that I can knit faster and longer (I have achy joints) with these than any other needles that profess that it makes it easier.
Kathryn D.
Love the needles, have to start a complete set. Really like the sharp points, the smoothness of the wood and NO catches at the join.Fantastic job. The needles are truly the work of an artisan!
Kathy D.
Hello, I am always praising your needles to Ravelry users. I love your products.
Nova O.
It was great to meet you at Rhinebeck! Awesome work
Natalie M.
I would like a 12" hexagonal circular needle. The tips can be 1.5 and 2.5" or as long as you can make them.I make chemo hats for the local hospital and I'm excited to make them on this needle. I appreciate your ability to make this custom needle. Thanks.
Stephanie B.
Bought a few of your wonderful needles last weekend at Rhinebeck, NY and love them. Of course my next knitting project needs needles not in my collection. Good reason to order more!
Deborah S.
I purchased a pair of your #7 double points at Rhinebeck. LOVE THEM...I do love to do the magic loop and I just know that using your circulars will make it even more enjoyable.
Darlene M.
I just wanted to drop you a line and say that I have a pair of circular needles that I got from the Vogue Knitting Live in New York back in January and I absolutely love them. I wish I could think of more effusive things to say but I'm stuck on the fact that I just love how they feel and how they knit. I'm a fan of fine points and the pair I have are great for the lace I knit. Thank you so much for having such a wonderful product. Wishing you the best.
Christine S.
I was at the Vogue Convention in Chicago and bought a pair of your handcrafted hexagonal circular needles.They are so well crafted and amazingly beautiful and most importantly are so easy to knit with. I have been knitting for many years with many types of needles and I find yours the best I have ever used. I intend to start replacing my needles with yours as I knit a lot and find yours so comfortable. I also have to add that I am pleased that the needles are made by people in the USA.
Linda S.
I was delighted to find the Indian Lake Artisans hexagonal knitting needles at the recent NYC VK Live. I am a very experienced knitter and had just finished a 72" cashmere scarf knitted on square needles. So I was fascinated to give the hexagonal design a try and bought several pairs. They are without a doubt the best knitting needles I have found. The hexagonal shape makes it much easier to control gauge. The light weight of the needles and the six-sided shape make knitting noticeably more effortless. I have just knit up a thirty-five inch length of a 4-ply cashmere scarf and my knitting has never looked better. Plus the needles are attractive, functional artifacts. Totally love them.
Sandy Pearlman
I bought a set of double points in Cherry at the fiber expo in Ann Arbor this past weekend and LOVE them! They are smooth as silk and the best part for me is when I lay a needle down on a table it doesn't roll away from me under the chair or table! Easy on the hands and beautiful to the eye. Thanks for such a quality product! Michigan Made even better!
Jill C.
Dear Pam- I am impressed! The needles are gorgeous. Thanks so much for sending them to me. I will pass along your cards at my two favorite shops. What a great gift idea. To great success.
Thanks again for the needles. Sheila is, at this very second, knitting a hat for Henry and exclaimed that it is coming out much more even then the other hat she made yesterday on different needles. Hooray! Hope things are well in your neck of MI.
Jessica L.
Hi Pam, I just had to write and tell you how much I LOVE your hexagonal needles!!! I have been knitting for many years and the biggest challenge I had was keeping my stitches from sliding all over the needles. I've dropped my fair share of stitches and then some because I never mastered the art of keeping them where they belonged. Since I've been using my new needles from you, I've become the master of my stitches! And it's a great feeling! The shape of these needles just seems to keep the stitches where they belong. The tension is perfect and I love how the stitches move only when I want them to. I am going to tackle a Celtic sweater pattern I've been afraid of for years-thank you so much!
Joanne C.
Enjoying knitting for over 50 years, It was upsetting that arthritis in my hands was interfering with a hobby I always found relaxing, now it was painful and frustrating. Unable to grasp the needles for any length of time without increasing pain, I was lucky to complete 2 rows. After trying the hexagonal wooden needles by Indian Lake Artisans I noticed a big difference. I was able to easily hold on to the needles, and they are warm on my hands. I was able to knit for longer sessions and am now able to complete projects. I just completed socks for my son in 1 week, not possible before my new needles. I would recommend these needles for anyone.
Sandy B.
I just had to tell you, my needles arrived today and, OMGosh!!! They are exactly what I was hoping for!!! They are the perfect length for the scarves I make to donate to a local shelter (they don't get caught in my sleeves when I'm knitting!!!) AND, they couldn't be more beautiful!! They are beautiful to look at, and even more wonderful in hand! Thank you so much, they're perfect!!!
Julie Ann
It was a pleasure to meet you and your husband at Vogue Knitting. The needles I purchased #6x32” are wonderful to knit with. The acrylic yarn I am now using is very slippery on most needles, but the Indian Lake Artisans needles make knitting a pleasure. My stitches are more uniform, gauge more accurate, the needles are easier for me to hold as my hands don’t tire as readily, the yarn glides very easily over the joins and once I finish this blanket I’ll be doing lace work. The tips are perfect. All are intrigued by the shape and when they try knitting are amazed at how easily the yarn glides and how wonderful the needles feel in their hands.
Just purchased your wonderful hexagonal needles. My hands do not tire as before and I love that the cable swivels! Have already sent your url to all my knitting amigos!
I was delighted to find the Indian Lake hexagonal knitting needles at the recent NYC VK Live. I am a very experienced knitter and had just finished a 72" cashmere scarf knitted on square needles. So I was fascinated to give the hexagonal design a try and bought several pairs. They are without a doubt the best knitting needles I have found. The hexagonal shape makes it much easier to control gauge. The light weight of the needles and the six-sided shape made knitting noticeably more effortless. I have just knit up a thirty-five inch length of a 4-ply cashmere scarf and my knitting has never looked better. Plus the needles are attractive, functional artifacts. Totally love them.
I love my Indian Lake hand crafted hexagonal needles! I was initially skeptical regarding the idea of hexagonal needles, but quickly found that they allow much easier and more precise knitting, especially important for finer yarns. The reason is that the yarn is held at a slight elevation above the needle. The small space between the needle and yarn allows the needle tip to be inserted below the yarn easily, making it easier to lift the yarn from the needle for the new stitch. The hand crafted wood (I have cherry) is smooth but not slippery. These needles are a joy to knit with, I'm a convert!
I was at the Vogue Convention in Chicago and bought a pair of yourhandcrafted hexagonal circular needles. They are so well crafted and amazingly beautiful and most importantly are so easy to knit with. I have been knitting for many years with many types of needles and I find yours the best I have ever used. I intend to start replacing my needles with yours as I knit a lot and find yours so comfortable. I also have to add that I am pleased that the needles are made by people in the USA.
A year ago I bought your size 7 ten inch straight knitting needles. I had been working with Lily cotton knitting this pattern called The Almost Lost Washcloth. It is in a flower pattern with short row knitting. My hands and wrists would ache from knitting with regular knitting needles using that cotton. I had to quit making them. Then I got the idea to try your needles when I make knit this pattern. I ordered a pair but didn't use them until just recently. I first started making them again using my old needles and like before the ache returned. So I tried your needles. Everything I have read about them is true! I have made five of these washcloths and my hands are fine. I wanted you to know that I think they are an awesome product. Love them!!
The circular needle I picked up at VogueKnitting Live in Chicago is beautiful. I have already tried out the needle and I LOVE IT! I certainly will not hesitate to recommend your needles to all my students. Wishing you all the success you deserve with your wonderful product.
Candace Eisner Strick
I love my Indian Lake Artisans handcrafted hexagonal needles! I was initially skeptical regarding the idea of hexagonal needles, but quickly found that they allow much easier and more precise knitting, especially important for finer yarns. The reason is that the yarn is held at a slight elevation above the needle. The small space between the needle and yarn allows the needle tip to be inserted below the yarn easily, making it easier to lift the yarn from the needle for the new stitch.The handcrafted wood (I have cherry) is smooth but not slippery. These needles are a joy to knit with. I'm a convert!
Jill Horowitz
When I first saw these needles at Rhinebeck I knew I needed to have them. The gorgeous handcrafted wooden needles were not only beautiful they were extraordinarily functional. As a physical therapist by day and a knit wear designer by night I always look to marry my two professions and these needles did just that. The unique hexagonal design allows for a slight modification in the way you hold your needles that enhances the efficiency and ergonomic principles inherent in your knitting grip. The smooth join makes the yarn move easily also helping to keep away any unwanted hand injuries.
Suzie Allen
With smooth surface, sharp tips and a join that swivels on the cable, Indian Lake Artisans circular needles provide an ease of knitting I didn’t know I was missing. These needles, hand-crafted in Michigan are worth every penny.
Jill Bigelow Suttell
The next time you are considering treating yourself with a purchase that will reflect into your knitting life, I strongly suggest you try a set of needles from Indian Lake Artisans. I was very pleasantly surprised to see an improvement in my tension. When I told Mark I liked an 8" straight needle for knitting mitered squares, he immediately agreed to make the length I preferred. I really enjoy knitting with these needles and I like the fact that I am supporting a local business that seems to really care about their customers.
Jane Bigelow